physiotherapy blog posts


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The Relevance of Pelvic Mobility on Low Back Pain
Maria Gehue Maria Gehue

The Relevance of Pelvic Mobility on Low Back Pain

Low back pain is one of the most common complaints that I see in my clinical practice. I am always shocked at how long people deal with this pain, often chalking it up to not stretching enough or improper posture.

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Take Control of Urinary Incontinence with Pelvic Floor Health
Maria Gehue Maria Gehue

Take Control of Urinary Incontinence with Pelvic Floor Health

The female body is amazing. We have the power to grow and nurture an actual human being and then physically bring LIFE into this world. But people seem to think when that’s all over with we can just carry on, as though we haven’t been ripped from the inside out by the cutest most delicate creature!

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How Dry Needling Can Address Popping Joints
Maria Gehue Maria Gehue

How Dry Needling Can Address Popping Joints

A common complaint I see in clinical practice are loud joints. Typically a clicking shoulder, or a snapping hip, has been present for some time with no real mechanism of injury. Most patients are worried about the noise and what it may mean.

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